Used-Car Sales Boom as New Cars Get Too Pricey for Many


The gap between the price of a new and used vehicle is as wide as it has been in years, pushing an increasing number of consumers to the used-car lot and putting pressure on auto makers to deepen discounts on new cars to keep them competitive.

Demand for used cars was unusually strong this summer and will remain at elevated levels through the year’s end as higher interest rates and rising prices on new cars continue to stretch buyers’ wallets, industry analysts said.

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  • Taylor James

    James Tylor is a talented and passionate automotive expert. With a deep interest in vehicles and engines, he has become a reputable source of information in writing news about the auto industry. James is not only a talented journalist but also a car enthusiast, always infusing his passion into every line of news and articles. With patience and in-depth knowledge of new brands, models, and trends in the automotive industry, James ensures that his readers are always provided with the latest and most accurate information. He has given the automotive enthusiast community a detailed look at the world of cars, and helped build a common understanding and passion for this field. With his enthusiasm and talent, James has made an important contribution to promoting the development and progress of the automotive industry.

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